We are a registered 501c non-profit organization in the United States.
Below are our organizational details:
Mitzvah For Ukraine Inc
7308 18th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11204
501(c)(3) tax-exempt
EIN 82-2992136
Checks can also be made out and sent to the above address.
To make a wire transfer, see below *
Your donation to the Chief Rabbi's Emergency Fund goes directly to supporting Ukrainians-in-need. We are an extremely agile organization, meaning that we are often among the first responders to emergency situations on the ground – as we were in Kherson. This means that your donation goes farther to supporting those who most need help.
Every dollar you send enables to us to provide food, shelter, and medical aid to the elderly and families, fund Jewish education programs, build new refugee housing units, and provide critical winter relief.
Our brothers and sisters are in need. They have no one else to turn to. Will you join us in standing with the people of Ukraine?
For additional opportunities, please contact donate@officeofchiefrabbi.org.
Wire Transfer Details
Bank: TD Bank
Bank Address:
2944 Gravesend Neck Rd,
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Account Number: 4409973230
Routing Number: 0260-13673
Wire ABA: 031101266